Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Money out, no money in...

I see the benefits of hiring Hispanics to do grunt work, especially over young Americans. They work hard for less pay, whereas the stereotypical young American is lazy and demands more at the same time. Over the summer my step-dad hired (picked up) a couple of Hispanics to do some work in our backyard, and they kicked ass. I’m all for fair competition, but there’s another issue at hand. It seems some immigrants, not just Hispanics, come here to work while they send money back to their families in their home countries. Again I have no problem with someone trying to take care of their own, if it wasn’t for the weakened state of our economy. A lot of these immigrants already receive help from the government in forms of welfare and other social services, mostly to help them adjust to living and working here. So when they are paid under the table, or paid in general, a good chunk of that money is going back to their home country. That’s money leaving our system, when we’re already stressing over what we got. This problem is especially bad in California. Having grown up in southern California, I had a lot of Filipino friends and relatives. One of my friend’s used to buy a house every couple of years and rent out the old ones, mostly to Filipino friends. These were usually “fresh off the boat”, or somewhat close to that, and received help from the government. Now these houses my friend bought weren’t mediocre homes. They were always brand new, upper-middle class homes, and we all know how expensive homes are in California. While the government picks up the tab for them to live in nicer-than-average homes, they send their remaining funds back to the Philippines. Talk about liberal. I consider myself liberal and this makes me sick. Well the rest of us work for what we got, California is catering to immigrants. No wonder their state is in such economic troubles. I’m not pointing fingers or saying their responsible for our recession, but in these times we should put tighter restrictions on money leaving the country. Not really sure on a solution to this, I’m just trying to point out the problem.

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